Schimb de tineri în Grecia - Colourful Europe

Căutăm 6 participanţi pentru a ne reprezenta în schimbul de tineri "Colourful Europe", proiect care se va desfăşura în Koukli, Grecia, în perioada 6 - 16 mai 2014. Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteţi găsi mai jos. Acesta este al 4-lea proiect realizat împreună cu organizaţia gazdă. Un album din proiectele anterioare, poate fi găsit AICI.

Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:

  • să ne trimiteţi o prezentare personală împreună cu o fotografie
  • să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
  • să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.

Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este

Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:

- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol:
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Grecia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.


Nowadays most of youth of European youngsters live very modern life which keeps them busy so they have not much time to learn about and discuss traditional national values, such as traditional art and culture. Moreover, there are many young people in Europe that have difficulties to learn about and experience other cultures, because of not having enough previous knowledge about different cultures, xenophobia, lack of inspiration to do it.

In September of 2012, Youth Center of Epirus implemented international youth exchange project “Beautiful techniques of art for smiles of children” under YiA programme with topic of art and culture. The project was very successful for participants and also for involved our local community. This year we want to implement similar type of project with different improvements of the project idea. We want this time to involve bigger amount of participants, involve in project much more our local community and have much bigger impact and multiplier effect. With this project we want not only to share and learn about our cultural and artistic values, but also to show youngsters why it’s important to learn about different cultures of Europe and to discuss the current situation of Europe and EU on different aspects.

Main objectives of our project are:
 To discuss and popularize our traditional values – traditional art and culture;
 To discuss current situation and future of EU.

Therefore, specific objectives of our project are:
 To make participants to share their cultural and artistic values, also to learn new art techniques;
 To make participants to learn about and share their experiences, knowledge and opinions about EU, the current situation in EU, our possible actions for successful and strong future of EU in general
 To motivate participants of the exchange to be more active EU citizens and citizens at general;
 To learn about other cultures, to learn the importance to be aware of different cultures and to find out what connects so many different cultures and nationalities in one European Union;
 To involve EU topics in artistic expressions, in that way to share their ideas for better future of EU;
 To involve local communities in discussion with participants of the exchange – to share ideas about EU and our common future.
 To reach objectives of the project, participants during the youth exchange activity will join common activities related to EU, art, culture and intercultural dimension. Planned activities you can find in a document called Activity Time Table; all planned activities and working methods are going to support non-formal learning of participants.
 Project will involve 30 participants from Greece, Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia and Romania – 5
participants (18-25) and 1 group leader from each country. Implementation of youth exchange will be
held in village called Koukli, in Epirus region of Greece.

Travel and insurance
You should start to plan the travel of your group to the venue of the implementation of our youth exchange, but you should keep in mind some very important facts:

 Arrival in the venue of Activity place must be until early evening of 6th of May and departure from Activity place must be not earlier than morning of 17th of May.

 Before booking your travel, you first MUST contact us and ask us if your flight time matches with public transportation here in Greece. That’s because your group will need to travel by bus from the airport of Thessaloniki to Koukli village; the travel might take around 4-5 hours, your group will need to match the travel time with the bus.

 You should plan your travel to Thessaloniki airport, which is the closest to the venue of the exchange project. Usually all groups manage to arrive in Thessaloniki airport and we arrange a bus that will take all participants directly to the venue of implementation of the project. That would be very comfortable since participants won’t need to change buses during the travel, the costs would be absolutely equal with public transportation and the whole group of participants would arrive in Koukli faster than with public transportation and with no worries. The best time for your arrival in Thessaloniki airport would be until 5pm on 6th of May and best time for your leaving from Thessaloniki airport would be after 11am on 17th of May.

 Total travel of each group should not exceed planned amount of 2400 Euros per whole group, which mean that the total budget for one participant should not exceed 400 Euros. (Remember, only 70% of this amount can be reimbursed). Please mind that bus ticket from Thessaloniki airport to Koukli village will cost 40 Euros one way per person, but since the bus will be arranged from a bus company, this amount you won’t need to pay but it will be taken from your total travel reimbursement.

Your group members must be insured with travel insurance for all days of activity+ travel days, provided by your flight company. ONLY in case it is not possible by your flight company, your group should get insured by insurance company for all days of activity + travel days.

Support for preparation of your group

We have decided to provide your group with amount of 20 Euros to help for preparation of your country’s intercultural presentation. You can spend the amount of 30 Euros for preparation of foods or anything else needed for your group’s presentation. You will receive this amount providing us with a receipt of the amount of 30 Euros or less. Very important: the receipt should not contain any alcoholic drinks.

Only in case your chosen flight company does not provide you with travel insurance or you decide to travel by bus, your insurance costs will be reimbursed if you have chosen the most economical travel insurance.

YiA programme covers 70% of total travel costs of all participants of this project, accommodation and food will be 100% covered during your attendance of the project. All planned excursions and activities will be prepared and prepaid as well.

To get your travel costs reimbursed, you must bring with you and/or send by mail all your travel tickets, invoices, receipts (including invoice of your insurance and receipt of products needed for preparation of your presentation) to our organization first. When we will collect all travel documents of your national group, we will do all necessary calculations and transfer the reimbursement to your group leader’s or your organization’s account.

Remember, travel costs can be reimbursed, only if the most economical way of transportation was used (economy class, etc). On all your travel documents must be stated the date of payment, price, venue and destination and your name, if applicable. Very important: in case you choose to use transportation services of TAXI, costs of that cannot be covered by YIA programme.

Things you should know about the accommodation place:

Koukli is a small mountain village; there is a small mini market, three cafeterias/bars.
During the project, we expect the weather to be very warm, perhaps around 25o C, so you might want to take with you also summer clothes, hats and sun protection lotion. But of course there always is a small possibility of rain, so it’s good if you take warm clothes and umbrellas as well.

Most of the times there is no internet in the village so we can’t ensure you will have access to internet, but we will ensure that during one-two days of excursions participants will have for sure a chance to use internet.

Accommodation and most activities will be held in a new building, very suitable for youth projects. Participants will be hosted in mixed groups by about 5 people of the same gender in a room. Each room will have a balcony and private bathroom, beds will be ensured with blankets, sheets and pillows, but participants should bring their own toiletries and towels. Very important: we have limited amount of rooms, so we need you to inform us about the gender balance in your teams as soon as possible, so we can arrange the most comfortable stay for you.

During free time, participants will have a chance to play various sports games like basketball, football, volley ball, badminton, go for a walk in mountains or to a nearby lake and visit cafeterias. By wish of participants, we can also organize some free time activities, games for the whole group, depending on interests and needs of participants.

If you wish to read about and see many photos of our previous youth exchanges, you can always visit our web site -


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