
Se afișează postări cu eticheta creativitate

Creative Europe - new programme supporting the cultural and creative sectors

The Member States in the Council approved Creative Europe, the new programme supporting the cultural and creative sectors. With a budget of nearly 1.46 billion EUR over the next seven years, a 9% increase on current levels, Creative Europe will give thousands of people in cinema, TV, culture, music, performing arts, heritage and related areas the opportunity to increase their international visibility in Europe and beyond.  The new programme was adopted by the European Parliament on 19 November (IP/13/1114) and is due to be signed by the Parliament and Council on 11 December.  The programme will enter into force in January. The first calls for proposals in the framework of the newly approved  programme Creative Europe have been published. The Culture sub-programme of Creative Europe supports the following type  of actions:  Cross-border cooperation projects between cultural and creative  organisations within the EU and beyond.  Networks helping the cultural and creative sec

101 activităţi pentru descătuşarea ideilor

Una dintre cele mai frecvente probleme atunci când scrii un proiect de educaţie non-formală, e lipsa de idei legată de metodele pe care să le foloseşti pentru a obţine rezultatele pe care ţi le doreşti. Iată un material util, pe care vi-l punem la dispoziţie într-o vesiune scanată, unde puteţi găsi 101 exemple de metode care să vă "descătuşeze" creativitatea şi să vă ajute în dezvoltarea activităţilor proiectului pe care vi-l doriţi.